Tuesday, 18 October 2016

Health items that people should not share

Image result for towels

Offering individual health items to friends, relatives, or colleagues is somewhat unavoidable. Whether that is obtaining your sister’s brush or your friend’s cleanser or your colleague’s nail scissors.
However, some of those things which appear harmless can really put you at danger of skin and wellbeing issues when shared.

Sharing can bring about the transference of germs. Everyone has enough germs of your own and with practically all the more all around (counting the ones we don’t see) including another’s into the mix is totally unnecessary.

Here is a list of things you should avoid sharing:

Razors: They are the easiest way to transfer infectious diseases, never share those. When you shave, the blade collects dead skin cells mixed with bacteria, so the more people using the same razor, the more risk for infection. Some people can carry harmful bacteria on their skin without getting sick, so it’s impossible to know if a razor is contaminated. Since shaving also causes abrasions and cuts, razors can also transfer blood-borne diseases like hepatitis and HIV.

Bar Soaps: Bacteria, fungi and so on, can breed very well at the bottom of a bar soap even though a bar soap is a body cleanser and generally believed to be germ-free and self-cleaning it can abhor germs and cause infections.

Towels: Bacteria, fungus, and mildew grow well on towels, especially when they’re hanging in a damp bathroom. Close members of the same family tend to share towels Contaminated towels can transmit fungal infections on the skin, acne-causing bacteria, and even pink eye. Towels can also transmit the same dangerous CA-MRSA bacteria that can live on soap. Besides keeping your towels to yourself, it is better to wash them after  using them four times and always letting them dry completely.

Antiperspirants: Unlike deodorants, antiperspirants do not have any germ-killing properties. The only thing they are responsible for doing is decreasing the amount of perspiration you produce. Never share your ‘roll-ons’.

Nail Care Products: Nail files, clippers and buffers should NOT be shared, you stand a risk of contacting some type of bacteria when you have cuts/ openings on your skin.

Hair accessories: Anything that goes on your head/through your hair should not be shared.

Cups/ Mugs: Never share mugs, cups or bottles, salivas have germs and this could be passed while sharing a drink from the same cup. This makes it easy to catch a cold, mumps, herpes amongst others.

Earrings And Earphones: You should never share your earphones or jewelry. When someone puts an earring through their ear, they could poke the skin and get a small amount of blood on the tip of the earring. if you borrow the same pair of earrings, you risk putting the bloodied tip through your ear and you know what that means
 if the person has any form of infection.

Source: Arewa Magazine

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