Sunday, 15 March 2015

The world's 14th premium water well discovered in Ogun state Nigeria

Now that is some good news isn't it? For those who know about premium mineral water like Voss and Perrier, which sell at thousands of Naira per bottle and that many celebs don't joke with it, Nigeria's Lasena water is the latest discovery of Artesian wells in the world and gladly, it comes at a fraction.

What is an Artesian well you may ask?
Over 888 years ago, some Catholic missionaries from Rome settled in a small town called Artois to propagate Christianity. They decided to sink a well to cater for their water need as well as the community.

Pipes were sank into the earth until an aquifer was struck, which allows water rise to the surface, with very high pressure. This is the first pumpless water well in the world. It was name after the town of Artois as Artesian well.

Meanwhile, the water from this well is in its natural state and has its own healing powers.

From 1126 AD till date, over 13 of such premium water wells have been discovered in different parts of the world except Africa, although Namibia Artesian Well was discovered in 1995 but is not consumed due to its SALINE content.

However, in November 2009, Lasena Artesian Well was discovered by Turkish drillers in Isheri-North, River View Estate in Ogun state. This is the 1st known premium pumpless well water in Africa with a temperature of over 70 degrees centigrade and gushes out naturally at a flow rate of 80,000 liters per hour with a potentiometric surface spurt of 15 meters.

"This is the highest so far recorded by any aquifer in the whole world", the company says in a statement.

GAB visited the factory and below are some of our findings.

Drops of pH indicator was added to water samples and they came out with different colours. The yellow one is from sachet pure water and there are some bottle water brands with the same yellow colour. Some of the other colours are brands that I will not mention for obvious reasons. Lasena water is in the middle and comes out as blue. There are some artificial blue indications in one very popular water brand by a soft drink industry. The blue is as a result of adding caustic soda. It is safe to drink only that it's not natural and with time, the blue fades. Which means it doesn't have many minerals unlike Lasena water which gets deeper when left alone. 

A chart showing you how to read the colours above.

A comparison of Lasena water and the top 2 table water brands with the highest content of nutrients after series of tests.
The well is 522m deep

One of the numerous tests done at the Pharmaceutical Microbiology department of the University of Ibadan

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